Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 5 of the Irish Leg - Free Day to do what ever you like.....

Greetings from Killarney valued Blog Readers to a run through of today’s events. Day 5 of our Irish Leg Itinerary reads “this is a free day to do what you want” and that is exactly what everyone did. Some of us stayed in Killarney and took in the sights of scenery and shops and others took the option of a ride into “Ryan’s Daughter” Country- the highlands of the area around Kenmare and the Healy Pass with a lunch stop at Teddy O’Sullivan’s Pub on Bunaw Pier in Killmakillogue. (Try saying that when you have had a pint or 2 of the local brew – Phew!)
The ride commenced at 11 am after a bit of tinkering with machines – Chris needing to do a full rebuild on clutch and both primary cases - he had done a little bit of work on the machine back in Cork and some studs broke off the clutch basket and made their way out of the Primary cover leaving a hole which leaked a very large puddle of oil in the carpark at the previous night’s accommodation. The bike now needs 2 new primary cases and a cush drive. This has taken the pressure of Steve Kavanaugh’s bike being the “parts donor” bike. Needless to say Chris has had a lovely ride with Conan in BV1 today watching the day’s events unfold. About 2/3 of the group took the ride/ drive option and as said, off we went at 11am with the Murphy Bros. leading the way again. Marshalling now down to a fine art, we motored along some very bumpy roads with the rigid frame bikes really feeling the speed a little bit – so the pace at times was slower.
First incident of interest today:
As Merredith told you yesterday there was a protest happening on the road out of Killarney by angry locals objecting to laws about horse poo – or near enough. They had formed a picket line on one the main roads that we navigated through yesterday and they were at it again today. Unfortunately they had not had a good brekky and were very angry with the world and that included our little band of merry riders. Phil P rode through to the ire of the horse and wagon owners amidst boos and yells. Jim was involved in a mêlée and as he was next was nearly assaulted by 3 of the protestors – Sharon jumped out of the car to assist Jim but the Garda were there and they moved the men so Jim could get by. Annie, with Sharon now aboard but hanging out of the window watching Peter Van S at the rear, was driving the Black Car and she too was able to get by but by this time we at the back were being jostled by the protestors as they reversed their horses and wagons in our way. This blogger was quite concerned about being dragged from her bike so kept as close to the car as possible. Conor turned off his bike and pushed it through with Fintan trying to talk to the locals to make them see reason. Peter Van S was threatened by the men and he got off his bike and took a swing so we are told, and Peter B has the photos to prove it. Jim, who had got through first kept going and that was the last we saw of him until we met at the lunch stop at the little pub on the Atlantic. Needless to say the tour did not return to Killarney by that route this afternoon.
Second Incident of interest today:
Frank Hutch got a rear flat tyre and was put in BV1 – a little hairy for him as the road was narrow and potholey but he didn’t lose it – well done Frank. Readers please take note that the bike Frank is riding he bought in 1961 and has been riding it ever since (so he already knows what a flat feels like!)
Third Incident of interest today:
6 riders took the option of driving the Healy Pass on the Beara Peninsula – a high rocky mountain pass that is the home of goats and sheep that have NO road sense and then through Glengarrif (“where Fintan’s wife’s parents had their honeymoon”). On the way down we had a stop and Neville left his bike running as we regrouped to which the vibrations caused the bike to topple – this Blogger was riding down the road pointing to the bike as it fell in slow motion to which Neville gaily stood and waved back! And then you should have seen him run! No damage – just a nomination for Princess. We also passed Dugal coming the other way as we were heading in to Glengarrif – caught up with him when we got to Kenmare.
Fourth Incident of interest today:
The roads we have been travelling on are narrow but 2 cars or even a bus and a car can pass each other – with a spare centimetre or 2 tolerance! But when a little old lady in a little silver car just props in the middle of the road to give way to another car FOR NO GOOD REASON what is a little blue scout rider to do but fish tale down the road completely locked up?! And then when she is just about out of it to be rammed from behind by Brett’s BlackHawk because there was no where for him to go – I have to ask you reader, what is a girl to do? Well you just put it into the ditch – yes! So when the others stopped all they could see was Brett getting up from his bike and Lyndel was pinned underneath both bikes laying comfortably in the only bit of clearing there was along the stone wall lined route! So, Brett has a swollen ankle and a bent front end and Lyndel has a bruised rib, bruised ankle and a bent rear end (guard that is). Both riders and bikes took the 4 wheel option to return to base camp. As this blog is being written the mechanic I have brought along with me for this trip is doing a bit of panel beating and straightening of before mentioned machine in order for this factory rider to resume the tour tomorrow.

Fifth Incident of interest today:
Peter B rode out in his Vindian this morning but returned to Base after 2km to swap said Vindian, because it was running like a piece of #*@+!,with the ’38 he has brought as his “spare” bike. I have been reliably informed by Dorothy that he had a minor breakdown on the way home with the splinter group who did not do the Pass ride. Flat battery and then carby trouble – luckily there were many Phils there to give him “sound advice” and it was back on the road in minutes – about 30.
Sixth Incident of interest today:
Neville has exploded 2 ignition coils – yes reader not one but TWO ignition coils. BREAKING NEWS! This is now a major electrical meltdown – graphic images to follow!
So cherished Blog Reader – to this point in time we can honestly say the day has been eventful, memorable and not withstanding absolutely sensational riding. County Kerry may have crazy inhabitants but the country side and its breathtaking changes of scenery have made today a day to truly remember – ouch, my poor ankle!!!!
Post Script: Today’s Blogger has just been examined by Dr Dugal and the diagnosis is a cracked rib – ouch my poor rib!!!!! Brett has retired the bike and is now limping off to dinner.

1 comment:

  1. aw poor lyndy :(

    aus and i would both like it if you came back in one piece please!!

    love and miss you
    be safe

    jemima xxxxx
