Saturday, July 11, 2009


Bit of a delay getting started on this page but circumstances beyond our control.
So here is a bit of a run down on the last few days.
Tuesday-We all arrived safely into Heathrow and settled into the Quality Hotel to get over our jetlag for a few days. Some of the group, mainly the women went down to London to sightsee and battle the underground. Some of us chose to relax and recover from our long flight.
Tuesday night we had our first dinner together and a few drinks to kick off the tour. Peter produced a tartan sash with princess written on it (donated from his daughters christmas hat) and announced that this would be the daily "spit the dummy" award for anyone who stuffed up the most that day. Whoever was presented with it would have to wear it for a whole day and if they refused then would have to shout the rest of the group dinner that night. There were a few candidates for this day including Lyndal and Mick for yes, wait for it, filling petrol in their oil tank and oil in their petrol tank. Brett for dropping his bike at the petrol station but Jim scored it for his 6 volt battery that he swore would never let him down. And it did!!!

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